The Eclipse 700 Canada, initially known as “Project Canada” was developed by the American company One Aviation as a light jet better than its predecessor, Eclipse 500/550. It features faster speed, better range, and higher altitude, as well as flexible characteristics depending on its owner.
In 2017, One Aviation chairman Alan Klapmeier announced during the Experimental Aircraft Association AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wisconsin that Project Canada will be officially known as the Eclipse 700. The manufacturing company presented a cabin mockup to facilitate all cabin activities, as well as virtual reality for a simulated environment. One Aviation introduced aircraft’s features such as the Garmin G3000 avionics suite with an integrated touchscreen system, lithium-ion battery system from Acme Aerospace Inc., and Alteos Interactive Window System from PPG Aerospace for passenger cabin window shading.
The Eclipse 700 is larger compared with the EA 500/550 series. It has an external length of 10.6 meters, an external height of 2 meters, and a fuselage diameter of 1.55 meters. It has a tail height of 3.4 meters and a wheelbase of 4.5 meters. The wingspan is 12.7 meters. It has a cabin length of 4.11 meters, a cabin height of 1.27 meters, and a cabin width of 1.42 meters, and can accommodate up to six seats on board.
The light jet Eclipse 700 will be powered by two Williams FJ33 engines. It is a turbofan jet engine with a single-stage fan, with booster stage, driven by a 2-stage low-pressure turbine, supercharging a centrifugal-type high-pressure compressor, driven by a single-stage high-pressure turbine, and also features an annular combustor. The engine produces a maximum thrust of 1,500 lbf each. The engines will give the aircraft a better performance, faster speed, and a longer range. It has a travel range of 1,470 nautical miles and a maximum speed of 383 knots. The Eclipse 700 can fly up to 43,000 feet and can climb at a rate of 3,284 feet per minute. It has a takeoff and landing distance of 731 meters and 877 meters, respectively.
The Eclipse 700 has a maximum takeoff weight of 3,121 kg and a maximum landing weight of 2,875 kg. It has a maximum payload of 1,264 kg and a fuel tank capacity of 321 US gal.